Jebediah the Wind Walker

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Jebediah was born 12 of November 1850 in Wabasha Minnesota it was only him his American father john and Indian mother Aiyana that lived in a cabin in the woods for them self. The years went by and young Jebediah showed skill in tracking and hunting so his father took him hunting a lot and always praised him for his skills. on his 20th birthday Jebediah took farewell of his parents and went his own way.

But after a few years in the wilderness he wanted yo see more of America so he first went east but the life style over there didn't work for him so he went west instead but that didn't really click with him so he decided to set his course south and after a long travel ended up in Brimstone where he kinda liked it he have a lot of wilderness to explore new people to met and friends to be made. but as he is new in town and need to make some extra cash he starts to take up the odd job here and there and if you are wondering why he cant read his father was a fulltime hunter and his mother Indian so there is that and he is so confident in him self because his father always praised him too much about his hunting and tracking skills.