Chef Alex Labas

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Chef Labas, as he insists people call him, is the sole owner and founder of the Diamondback Hotel and Casino in Brimstone, New Mexico.

After decades cooking for royals and politicians in Paris's finest restaurants, the arrival of Bismarck to the city caused him to rethink his life in the formerly safe and comfortable lands of his home. As he pondered the crisis as Paris was put to siege by the German forces and the reign of Napoleon the III, he found himself "entertained" by the shifts and changes of Europe, though he found the lack of control infuriating. The winds of change in Europe were bigger than a mere chef.

But America was a land of heroes. Hearing tales of the American West, he grew enamored with the idea of heroes and quickly packed his bags. With little more than a visit to his bank to withdraw all his funds and a letter to his wife, he was gone from the halls of the French Elite and off to an Adventure he could play a part in.

From 1872 on, he bounced from city to city, exchanging stories and lodgings for miracles of cooking and preparation, introducing luxury to the poor of the West in exchange for free room and tales of the West. He eventually came across Brimstone, deciding that here he would make his stand. Here he would hear the stories of any and all who came.