Public Oversight Required
By Albrecht Von Manstein
We are all aware of the status of our erstwhile sister town Avery's Bluff, and how it is a company town. We can see the effect of a company owned and run town on our very doorstep. Stunted growth, miners earning less money, everyone forced to shop at companies stores so what little money the company does pay you goes straight back into their pockets. I do not write this to scare you citizens of Brimstone, but to wake you up. Mayor Blakely has made a disastrous first move as mayor of this town. One that very well could led to its eventual demise.
Several months ago Marshal Jackson Vasquez-Tanning along with several other concerned citizen, a Mr. Lyle Cranston, Quentin Thorne, Shanny the Kid, and Walter Kohler went out to the Montague Mines to provide assistance to the company's internal investigation team, which had left Brimstone a few days prior. Upon arriving at the site of the mine, they were horrified to find bodies littering the area as if some great battle had occurred there, being picked over by carrion animals.
After driving off the Carrion feeders, they were able to locate one survivor, however this survivor was not from the Montague mining company but from Dr. Viggo Van Eindhoven company world tree. As were all of the bodies of the soldiers found there. Dr. Eindhoven assistant (name redacted for legal reasons.) would only say, "They were so close to piercing the veil." and that the natives, "Acceptable casualties in pursuit of science."
Mayor Blakely, how long before the World Tree Company thinks, "Brimstones citizens are acceptable casualties in pursuit of science?" How long until the town of Brimstone is held hostage by a corporation, like our sister City Avery's Bluff? Or maybe Mayor Blakely did not consider these things, and instead chose the calculation of how much money can he make off of these deal.